Saturday, October 24, 2015

Big News! The Truth About Cancer A Global Quest Video Marathon This Weekend!

We’ve had so many wonderful people sending us emails and 
submitting support tickets about all kinds of things...

... from personal stories of survival, to wanting to thanking us, to missing 
an episode and wanting to still be able to see it, to questions about ordering 
and which package is right, etc.

We’ve had so many emails and tickets that we haven’t been able to 
get to every single one - in fact, it will likely take us another 2 or 3 days 
to personally respond and help everyone.

So we’ve been working on a solution today that would make everyone happy 
and it’s also something special that we wanted to do for you while you wait 
for us to get back to you.

We’re going to have a 48 hour replay marathon of EVERY SINGLE episode 
all weekend long.

Go here to watch all 9 episodes right now for free

We’re also going to extend the ‘early bird’ offer through Sunday night at 
midnight as well.

It’s not fair to those of you wanting more clarity before you order to miss out 
on the 50% off sale, so we’re extending that as well.

This is a perfect solution for a perfect problem quite frankly.

Because this “problem” simply means that we’re having a bigger impact than 
we were anticipating and it means that we’re reaching more and more people 
and saving more lives.

While I’m very sorry for the delay, I’m very excited for the impact we’re having.

Thanks for understanding and enjoy this replay marathon weekend here.

Ty Bollinger

PS. If you’ve missed an episode or simply want to watch one again. This is 
the perfect opportunity for you to ‘catch up’.

Also, if you’re on the fence about owning a copy of the series, now is the time 
to decide since we’ll be taking it down Sunday night as well.

PPS. Don’t forget about our LIVE Q&A tomorrow at 12:00pm Eastern US time. 
I’ll send you links in the morning, plus you’ll find the links on the replay page
here as well.

See you tomorrow :-)

Be sure to visit http://www.PolyMVA.COM If you have cancer or love someone who does
1339 Broadway, El Cajon, CA 92021
Phone: 619-447-6500
Toll Free: 866-765-9682
Fax: 619-447-6501

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